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f-5 top gun

F-5 Top Gun - F-5 Plays MiG-28 - Top Gun: Maverick (2022) broke box office records over the Memorial Day weekend with an estimated $156 million. The film, which features Tom Cruise reprising his role as Navy pilot Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, is a tribute to military dragons, old and new. Much of the flight footage was shot using real aircraft: a P-51 Mustang, an F-35C, plenty of F/A-18s, and one nostalgic winged cameo.

However, unlike the original Top Gun (1986), the sequel's enemy planes are CGI renders, not actual planes. The enemy aircraft, which is apparently based on the Russian Su-57, is described only as a "fifth-generation fighter". The aircraft's country of origin was never mentioned, even though Russia is the sole operator of the Su-57 in the world. (Note: I'm not suggesting that Russia is the enemy in Top Gun: Maverick. The enemy has a breakthrough nuclear capability and imports US fighter jets, all of which imply Iran.) Meet the F-5

F-5 Top Gun

F-5 Top Gun

The CGI-engineered Su-57 represents a departure from the tactics of the original film, where enemy aircraft were depicted with actual aircraft. In Top Gun (1986), the "bad guy" flies a MiG-28 capable of "negative G pressure". Now there are no more MiG-28s; the writers made it up completely. An American aircraft was chosen to depict the fictional MiG and blacked out with an aggressive and alien-looking paint job. The chosen aircraft was the elegant Northrop F-5.

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The F-5 was built as a privately funded project in the late 1950s. Supersonic and lightweight, the F-5 is highly aerodynamic, powered by two General Electric J85 engines. Northrop's premise for building the F-5 was to create a low-cost, low-maintenance, high-performance fighter. The resulting product was a small and simple aircraft, best used as an air superiority fighter (but also capable of a ground attack role). The F-5 reaches a speed of Mach 1.63 and has a range of 554 miles. The nimble aircraft can climb at 34,500 feet per minute to a maximum operating ceiling of 51,800 feet. The F-5 carries two M39A2 20mm turret guns with seven fixed points for missiles, rockets and bombs.

The F-5 proved quite popular in the export market, where Northrop found buyers all over the world, from Brazil and Ethiopia to Switzerland and South Korea. Although Northrop ended the F-5 program in 1987, many countries still use the F-5 today, including Botswana, Honduras, and Taiwan. No battle?

However, in the USA, the home country of the F-5, this aircraft is rarely used in combat. US Air Force F-5 combat time was limited to six months, in 1965, when the F-5s were deployed to Vietnam, they flew missions to South Vietnam and Laos. Instead of combat, the USAF used the F-5, mostly in raider squadrons, to simulate enemy aircraft (like what would be used in Top Gun). Perhaps most notably, the F-5 prototype, the N-156, was the starting point for the design of Northrop's T-38 Talon—the world's first and most-produced supersonic trainer. The US Air Force still trains its fighter and bomber pilots on the T-38. So every F-22 pilot or B-2 pilot or F-15 pilot (and so on) has experience with the F-5 variant. And every Top Gun fan has seen the F-5 in action, dressed as the fictional MiG-28, whether they know it or not.

Harrison Kass is the senior defense editor at the company. A lawyer, pilot, guitarist and professional minor hockey player, he joined the US Air Force as a trainee pilot but was medically discharged. Harrison holds degrees from Lake Forest College, the University of Oregon and New York University. He lives in Oregon and listens to Dokken regularly.

List Of Fictional Aircraft

Harrison Kass is the senior defense editor at the company. A lawyer, pilot, guitarist and professional minor hockey player, he joined the US Air Force as a trainee pilot but was medically discharged. Harrison holds degrees from Lake Forest College, the University of Oregon School of Law and the New York University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. He lives in Oregon and regularly listens to estrenó in 1986, no solo catapult and Tom Cruise al estrellato internacional, sino que conviró al F-14 Tomcat en el el maximo ícono de la aviación naval de Estados Unidos. But it also generated a myth around the mysterious MiG-28. Pintada de color negro y con una estrella roja como único destintivo, la aeronave era la grand preoccupation de la Armada norteamericana, que poséía limited informationon sobre ella. If you have a lot of weird Tony Scott fans, you can see the different types that are currently appearing, in the case of the MiG-28, which exists as used by the Northrop F-5 and is a "disfrazó" for la occasion.

El caso del Northrop F-5 is typical. Al treatarse de un caza ligero, pequeño y economico, but con capacitas supersónicas, se ha ganado un espacio importanto no solo dentro de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos. After the introduction in 1962, you exported and practiced in veintena de países y ha evolucionado en un amplio listado de variantes, siendo incluso fabricado bajo licencia en el extranjero. Eso no es todo, puesto que también ha servido de "inspiração" para el desarrollo de tres models no oficiales a las ordénes de Irán.

But nothing is excluded in the historical operations in the United States, nothing can be excluded to review the fictitious part of the MiG-28 and

F-5 Top Gun

. Es que, si bien vio acción en combate durante la Guerra de Vietnam como part de la flota de la Fuerza Aérea norteamericana, the most important of which is the aggressor squad durante ejercicios de combate. Por años fue una de las opciones predilectas para simular las capacitas de aeronaves de países enemigos y las tácticas de sus pilotos; no solo for the USAF, sino tambien for the Army and el Cuerpo de Marines.

F 14a Tomcat [ Add On

Production of the Northrop F-5 began in 1959 and was expanded in 1987, estimated at about 2,600 units per year. Con un largo de 14, 6 meters and envergadura que podía alcanzar los los 8, 5 meters with llevaba missles en las puntas de sus unfortunately, se destacó rapidamente por ser quite más compacto que otros cazas de su época.

Dotado con dos General Electric J85 engines with postcombustion system, el F-5E Tiger II from 1972 with a maximum speed of Mach 1.63 and 11,000 meters. In armament, it envisages 20 millimeter and mesh points of attachment for the authorized cargo and various configurations of AIR-AIR or AIR-Superficie rockets, bombs de caida free or with laser guidance, and lanciatores de lanciatores de.

Internationally, it operates in Norway, Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, South Korea and Singapore, among many other countries. In the United States, la Fuerza Aérea used ejercicios de entrenamiento in various air combats, or DACT, in the 1975 and 1990s; en tanto que los Marines lo sumaron pro el mismo fin partir de 1989.

En el caso de la Armada, a to bien su no fue exclusive de TOPGUN, sí se lo aprovéchó especially for perfect a sus mejores pilotos en tecniques de combate aério cercano —

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— entered Naval Fighter Weapons School at Estación Aeronaval de Miramar, California before joining Nevada in 1996.

, en tempat de alguna aeronavena enemya real, la respuesta es sencilla. La película se rodó y estrenó en plena Guerra Fría, por lo que era impossible — e impensado — contar con unidades operativas de cazas soviettes para la producción. Además, Maverick, Iceman and compañía combatían contra un nombre rival, puesto que nunca se hacía mención and quién operaba los MiG-28, is allá de certas references (sutiles y no tanto) que apuntaban and la URSS.

On the other hand, the use of Northrop F-5 and escaadrones agresores de la Marina is ideal for playing. Después de todo, las fuerzas armadas stateunidenses lo habian utilido en ejercicios de combat aereo for emular al MiG-21, deboto and other similarities of performance and size. This allowed the pilots to give them a more realistic feel and their participation in the feature film, as they had knowledge of the technique and style of flight actually used by the pilots of the Soviet Union.

F-5 Top Gun

Are you like a MiG-28? Nunca se ha given una explicación fehaciente sobre él. Todos modos, es possible que haya sido simplemente for no hacer todava más obvia la elección del enemigo, por más que no se lo nombrara directamente. It is worth noting that yes por entonces los soviets disponían del MiG-29, which entered service in 1982 and was considered a direct competitor to the F-14 Tomcat and other fourth-generation fighters of the stateunidense, such as the F-165. Aunque esa airship no se paration en nada al F-5.

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Los guionistas decided to use a little trick to differentiate the Northrop F-5 from the MiG-28. Y no fue solo a través del esquema de pintura elegido para representarlos. I formally introduce Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood (Kelly McGillis).

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